Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charlie's..... Angels?

I don't know about you, but I'm not very comfortable with this sort of behavior...

FILMING DAY - March 22

SO much has happened since the last time we have updated you all on our production! Over Spring Break, Caleb, Grayson, and company completed a rough edit on our ENTIRE MOVIE! Thanks to many sleepless nights and our dear friend, caffeine, we have almost a full month-and-a-half to prepare for the premiere, fine tune sound, special effects, camera angles, and make our movie the very best it can be! Awesome job, guys!

Last night, we filmed not only the opening of our movie, but also the grand finale! Our hero seems to be reading a letter, but what does that letter contain? And what are Spencer and John doing dressed so nicely? And what is Andy doing on the set of our movie? There’s only one way to find out! Come see the exciting premiere of The Peculiar Confessions of a Murderous Mind Thursday, May 5!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


After a hard day of work, FA2 can think of no better reward than enjoying IHOP's free pancake day! At the end of our filming for the day, we rushed to put away our gear and made it JUST in time to enjoy some fabulous flapjacks! All in a day's work. :-)



FILMING DAY - February 19

This weekend, we were blessed with an extra day of filming due to Presidents Day. We began our weekend Friday night with a trip to the Potton House in Big Spring, for some night time filming since a majority of our movie takes place at night. Fortunately, we were blessed with a table full of snacks when we arrived that was brought over by a grammar school family in Big Spring. We were filming a complicated scene involving numerous actors, and although we didn’t get as much accomplished as we would have liked to, we were able to shoot some pick-up shots to make the trip worth it. Then it was back to Midland and then to bed for the Fine Arts class. However, early next morning, the alarms were ringing beckoning Fine Arts students to another full day of work. The White-Pool House in Odessa was our first stop, where we filmed for several house down in a dark, dusty cellar. Around 3 p.m., just as claustrophobic feeling began to settle upon the actors and filming crew, we wrapped up our filming and exited the cellar relieved to see the sun was still shinning and breathe some fresh air. From Odessa, we headed back to the Potton for a second go round of filming. Snacks and Pizza were again provided, which we were very thankful for, and it was not uncommon to see crew members and actors sneaking outside in between takes to grab a quick handful of peanut butter M&M’s before returning to work!

The next week would prove to be one of the most challenging weeks of filming in FA2 history, so more info very soon about how all that went down!

Friday, February 11, 2011

FILMING DAY - February 10

Filming this week has brought us back to the Arrington’s house! Tonight we filmed one dialogue scene involving flirting, snoring, and guns! Sounds exciting right?!

February 10 - Part 2

It was challenging this time because we had to figure out how to fit the cast and crew inside a relatively small room and still not see and boom mics, chords, or reflections in the window! But somehow we all managed to squeeze in and make it work!

Stay tuned for a video of behind the scenes footage coming soon!!

FILMING DAY - February 5

The third week of fling is upon us! The temperatures were cold but all week and after two canceled filming sessions due to the weather we are finally getting back on track! Early this morning we met at the White Pool house in Odessa to film in their cellar. Later moving to another location with the perfect hallway for some chase scenes. Here we learned a little bit about how lighting works!

February 5 - Part 2

With a pitch-black hallway (thanks to our trusty sheets) it was a challenge to properly light the scene that was taking place. We had to break out our portable lights, which is a handheld device with 4 super bright light bulbs on it. The bulbs are so bright we only needed to turn on one to illuminate the entire hallway! Feeling weak, we took a break to re-fuel with the best food around: ROSA’S! We needed the food to prepare us for our next few scenes at the Arrington home, which took us 4 hours to film! It was definitely a long night! Lots of scenes, laughter, singing, and the occasional trip down the slide. But it will all pay off in the end. May 5th to be exact! Keep checking back for more pictures, info, and stories from our movie!!

FILMING DAY - January 29

It’s 7 o’clock on a Saturday morning. The world is nestled in their nice warm beds, no alarms, nowhere to be. This is the case for most people… but NOT the fine arts two class! We are up and at em’ all for the love of movie making! The class met up at the school at 7 Saturday morning for a mini road trip to the lovely town of Big Spring to film at the Potton house!

Januray 29 Part 2

One of the biggest challenges that we face filming this movie is that most of it takes place at night! So with the help of our trusty sheets we work some movie magic to turn the daylight into night.

Januray 29 Part 3

Later we headed back to Midland for a quick pizza picnic lunch complete with pizza, drinks, and jumping out of tree houses. Thankfully no actors were harmed in this process and with our stomachs full we went to our next location to film some more chase scenes and then finally called it a wrap for the day. As the filming process continues make sure to stay tuned for more info on The Peculiar Confessions of a Murderous Mind right here on the Fine Arts 2 Blog!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

And the title is...


Coming to a theater that is likely not far from you Thursday, May 5, 2011

Facebook fan page coming soon!


Stay tuned! The time has almost come to reveal our movie title to the world!


Filming Day 2:
Since many of the actors were gone for Bell Ball last weekend, day 2 filming took place on Wednesday, January 26. Even though we had to film on a weekday, we still accomplished everything we needed to, despite TONS of setbacks! We had equipment malfunctions, costumes missing, even ACTORS missing! God is so good!

Our movie this year is going to be set in the late 19th century, early 20th century, so everyone has a very distinct costume. The most amusing part of filming day 2 was that there was a little mix up in the costume department and Luke, one of the actors, did not have his tuxedo pants. Fortunately, with Mr. Shuman's expertise and a little movie magic, we were able to film just the top half of Luke, who was currently wearing jeans, until Mr. Davis got back with his tuxedo pants! Everything else ran really smoothly though!

Even though there were a few minor set backs, we still accomplished what we set out to do, and everyone hopefully had a good time doing so. I interviewed Eileen Small, who is an actor at Midland Community Theater, just before she was fixing to act in our movie, and she said: "I am really excited for a chance to act on camera because I have never really done that before, this is going to be a great experience."

Friday, January 28, 2011

First Day of Filming!

Hey everyone! I am so excited about the Fine Arts 2 movie this year, and cannot wait until we get to see the finished product. So much hard work has already been put into the making of this film, but there is still so much more to do. So, I get the opportunity of keeping all of you updated along the way! :)

Filming Day 1:
We began filming on Saturday, January 15, and everyone on the set had so much fun! Also, people really got to decide what areas of the movie they liked being apart of. Such as: working the camera, sound, lighting, acting, so on and so forth. Personally, my favorite part was working with the sound team, hiding under various objects in order to keep hidden from the camera. One of our crew members, Grayson, got to work with the camera, and said, "Filming was a little stressful, but so much fun and that he loved every bit of it." That is just a little tidbit to let you know what goes on behind the scenes. Also, speaking of behind the scenes, we already have some pretty funny bloopers we cannot wait to show you all! So that is our first day in a nut shell, keep reading for more updates and enjoy these pics and videos from the first day of filming!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hello everyone! Welcome back to our blog! It's been a long time since we've had any updates to offer, but we are very excited about what this new year has in store. Be watching this afternoon for a full update from our first full weekend of filming, including pictures, videos, and a full recap from our blog director, Charity!

More coming soon!
Fine Arts 2 2011